Consistency is one of the most important SEO tips & the most important concept to learn for search engine optimization. It is just not possible to achieve high rankings overnight. There’s no getting around the time factor. Unless of course, the niche you’re in has very few competitors.
In the online marketing niche, there are many different Choosing the right keywords-to-target combination is one of the most important SEO tips. This is why SEO experts are always recommending the use of specialized keyword research tools to find the best combination of terms to target. The freely Overture keyword tool is one of the most popular and efficient tools available to find the best combination of terms to target.
First Mistake
The first mistake people make when targeting their website for the search engines is thinking that their success is measured by how high they rank for a high-volume keyword. This is certainly a valid concept and once you know how to target the keyword using the proper SEO tips, you’ll certainly be able to dominate the rankings for that keyword.
But the truth is that high search volume keywords are very competitive and will be extremely difficult to effective nowadays. Too many businesses have been hoodwinked by competitors who have ranked for keyword terms before them and are simply reaping the benefits. The SEO tips entail going after more long-tail keyword phrases that are easier to achieve search engine rankings for. These can be more than 3-4 words in length and have between 1000 and 5000 average searches per month.

2nd Mistake
The second mistake people make is targeting keywords that are already saturated with competition. This is a big mistake and can oftentimes be easily avoided by staying within the confines of your own mind. Simply typing in the word game is not a particularly wise idea. There are many ways to look at a set of keywords. Our SEO tips are to generate related words which are essentially the same words as your target keyword phrase. This is commonly referred to as a long-tail keyword phrase and is generally quite easy to rank for. Additionally, you’ll find that people are being driven to sites that offer content in the form of articles, whilst also filtering out most of the quick and easy content.
3rd Mistake
This third mistake often comes from a misunderstanding of what keywords are all about. Do you want to rank for the search term “diet” which is 4 million monthly searches a month? Or would you like to rank for a phrase like “losing weight after baby?” There is great potential to use the “long tail” keyword phrase to rank for a less competitive phrase. This is

4th Mistake
The fourth mistake I regularly see is people putting too much stock in reciprocal linking. Exchanging links with another site just to get you to link back is one thing but getting that link to have any sort of weight to it is quite another. The best SEO tips to figuring out how many links to get to your site are to look at the site’s PR and then work backward. Mathematically, you will get the total number of links to your site, divide the PR by the number of links, and multiply by 100.
What that means is that for every million links you have, your site will get the equivalent of x33 splitting the x number of Google Page Rank 3 sites to get you to the equivalent of y33 links, where y is your PageRank. (Notice I said PageRank and not the Page Rank. Google PageRanks vary every month) It is very important to secure high-quality links to help your site beat out the other sites for the keywords you are holding contests over.
High Quality Links
Next, when you get your high-quality links, be sure to use keywords in the link that you are linking to. Search Engines put more weight on keywords within the link than they do on the link text. For example, if your site is about software, then the keyword phrase “software” in the link to your site should also be the keyword phrase you are optimizing for. This will tell the search engines what your site is about software and will help you rank higher for the keyword “software” when someone searches for it.
These are all our SEO tips for today, hope you enjoyed it!